domingo, 9 de junho de 2024

“The Black Sun of the Oligarchy: Xanana Gusmão and the Realm of Tyranny"

By AP - Source: Facebook written in Portuguese, translated to English by Timor Hau Nian Doben

On the centre stage of politics, politicians rise like titans, loudly proclaiming: "To resist is to win!", "The struggle continues!", "Victory is certain!". But as they utter these grand words, the people are left at the mercy of their whims, condemned to servitude as a permanent proletariat, trapped in a vicious cycle of oppression and despair.

Xanana Gusmão; the lord of the oligarchs, the czar of the bourgeoisie, the monarch of the aristocrats, rises like a colossus over the ruins of a shattered nation. His reign is marked by tyranny and exploitation, while the people suffer in the shadows, condemned to an oppressed existence, suffocated by poverty and misery.

While Xanana and his cronies enjoy the perks of a luxurious life, opulent banquets, and extravagant privileges, the people are relegated to scraps, struggling to survive amid chaos and desolation. They are the true proletarians, the exploited workers, whose sweat and blood feed the voracious machine of the oligarchy.

Xanana Gusmão is the black sun hovering over the nation, its blinding brilliance hiding the darkness that lurks behind his benevolent facade. Under his leadership, the state is looted and plundered, its resources diverted to fill the pockets of the corrupt elite, while the people are left to languish in the shadows.

The politicians surrounding him are like leeches dancing to an infernal tune, blinded by greed and unbridled ambition. They would feast on the people's scraps, feeding on the flesh and blood of those who dare to challenge their authority.

But a storm is brewing on the horizon, an uprising is emerging from the bowels of the oppressed nation. The people are awakening to the injustice inflicted upon them, rising like an unstoppable tide against the tyranny of Xanana Gusmão and his court of oligarchs.

Revolution is like a fire that consumes everything in its path, a force of nature that cannot be contained. Xanana Gusmão may see himself as a God among mortals, but his downfall is inevitable. He is merely a man, and men can be overthrown.

The battle for the soul of our nation is about to begin, and the people are marching to war with brave hearts and determined minds. We will no longer be enslaved by the oppression of the oligarchy, nor silenced by the tyranny of a despot, driven mad by power.

Xanana Gusmão and his henchmen may rule for now, but their reign is doomed to fail. The light of freedom will shine again over our land, and justice will triumph over the darkness of oppression. The revolution is coming, and with it, the fall of the Sun King and the rebirth of a free and sovereign nation.

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