quinta-feira, 23 de junho de 2016

Responde ba Deputado Eladio Faculto no Deputado Manuel Gaspar Nia Akuzasaun


 Domingos Saldanha*-FORUM HAKSESUK

Horiseik lokraik, 20 Juinu, hau simu karta ida husi Sekretaria Estadu Asuntu Parlamentar, Maria Terezinha Viegas, ho data 14 Juinu de 2016 no No. Ref. 431/GAP/VI/2016, relasiona ho deklarasaun deputadu Eladio Faculto no deputado Manuel Gaspar iha plenaria Parlamentu Nasional iha  7 Juinu 2016 kona-ba hau Domingos Saldanha. 

Surat neebe anexa hamutuk ho S.E. Sekretaria Estado ba Assuntos Parlamentares nian, iha parte balun hateten hanesan ne’e: "Ainda mais com senhor Domingos, hoje (dia 6 de Junho de 2016) de manha le'e no jornal Diario STL, disse que o senhor Lu Olo, parece que Senhor Presidente Fretilin na sua deklarasaun e conrtariar com a Constituicao Republica Democratica de Timor Leste (RDTL). O nosso lider nao segui o principio da politica de unidade nacional, para reunir (abracar) todas as pessoas por isso mesmo Senhor Lu Olo ja nao tem esse personalidade. Se Senhor Lu Olo (Prezidente da Fretilin) se nao tem presonalidade como referiu o Senhor Saldanha, penso que senhor Saldanha nao devia ficar mais aqui (Timor Leste)."

Hau atu dehan deit katak jornal STL edisaun 6 Juni 2016 lahakerek notisia, ou artigu ruma kona-ba Prezidenti FRETILIN, Lu Olo, muito menus husi hau Domingos Saldanha mak hakerek. Hau nunka uza jornal STL  atu ataka ema ruma inklui atu ataka lider nasional sira. 

Hau lahatene Senhor Eladio Faculto no Senhor Manuel Gaspar hetan notisia nee husi neebe. Tanba hafoin hau simu tiha surat husi Senhora Sekretaria Maria Terezinha Viegas, hau lee kedas jornal STL edisaun 6 Junu 2016, husi pajina dahuluk to’o pajina ikus, hau lahetan artigu resente ruma kona-ba Prezidenti FRETILIN, Lu Olo. 

Tanba hanesan Xefi Redasaun hau bandu jornalista no editor halo notisia ho opiniaun pessoal ka opini pribadi. Hau lahatene deputadu nain rua nee hola notisia husi neebe, inventa deit ka rona informasaun husi fontes ruma. Sira lee duni jornal STL ka oinsa, to’o uza plenaria Parlamentu hodi ataka hau. Vinga no odiu hau ka nusa? Odiu ho vinga hau ba saida nian?

Ida nee hatudu deputadu Eladio ho deputado Manuel Gaspar koalia mamuk deit, laiha evidensia hodi suporta no fortifika sira nian deklarasaun. Uza plenaria magna nee halo akuzasaun falsa hasoru hau sem hatudu evidensia. Deputadu asal bunyi (asbun)! Karik hakarak koalia netik buat ruma hodi simu osan fulan-fulan no halo militante sira nebe la apar ho situasaun bele laran kontente, maske imi (deputadu Eladio ho deputadu Manuel Gaspar) nia koalia nee laiha folin, tanba halo akuzasaun falsu sem fundamentu. Politika tenki halo ho etika no responsabilidade, la’os naran lian de’it, satan buka explora ema nia emosaun hodi ema bele rai odio ho vingansa ba malu. Espiritu rekonsilisaun nebe ita boot sira temi la hanorin ema atu odio ho vinga malu, satan vinga ema inocente sira neebe liman moos.

Iha parte seluk, sei iha surat anexo ne’e hateten: "Hoje em dia muito diferente, Timor Leste como um pais demokratico, posso dizer que ultra democrasia, e consegiu fazer a reconciliacao, e foi elegeado de todos os pais em todo mundo, aceitamos os que matarem o povo, os que sao espionagem (como disse mauhu), hoje em dia viver aqui e vem criticar o nosso lider?

Sim senhor Eladio, saida mak ita boot koalia nee los, tanba rekonsiliasaun no demokrasia mak halo hau bele moris iha Timor, maibe ita boot sala tanba laos hau deit mak bele hela iha Timor, ema mauhu barak oras nee mos moris iha partidu boot sira nia okos, barak mos oras nee moris hotu iha Timor. Partidu boot sira elogia ema sira nee to’o luta nain sira tenke lakon ho ema sira uluk laluta ba ukun an. Eleisaun PDHJ iha primeiru periodo, Dr. Aniceto Guterres no Dr. Aderito de Jesus Soares, lakon ho ami nia amigo, Sebastião Dias Ximenes, ema otonomi ida hanesan mos hau. Tanba deputadu FRETILIN sira hili ami nia amigu nee, la hili sira 2 nebe FRETILIN isin ho klamar. Tanba sa senhor Eladio no Senhor Manuel Gaspar lahalo protesto? Deputada Maria Paixao mos dehan, iha Segunda Lejislatura, iha ema bendahara FPDK iha Bankada Fretilin. Senhor Eladio no senhor Manuel iha neebe la halo protesto? Imi so hatudu imi barani ba hau neebe moris simples no moris mesak sem sadere ba partidu ruma. Ba hau, la relevante ona koalia kona-ba autonomia, tanba povo deside tiha ona hakarak ukun-rasik-an iha 30 de Agosto 1999. So ema sira tauk no laiha razaun mak gosta sukit buat sira liu ona hodi buka manan simpatia. Mas nem Timor oan tomak matan delek atu hare sasan. Sira hatene buat neebe los ho buat nebe sala. Sera que opção politika ida iha tempu neba hanesan krimi ida? Se opsaun autonomia ne’e krimi ida, tanba sa ONU ho Rezistensia aseita? 

Hau dehan ba deputadu Eladio no deputadu Manuel Gaspar, hau nunka sai mauhu no nunka sai milisia ba TNI. Hau diferente ho deputadu Manuel Gaspar (nebe ami sei maluk)), nia mak fihir oportunidade sai Rakyat Terlatih (RATIH) iha binaan KOPASSUS TNI Indonesia nian, hau lae. Deputadu Manuel Gaspar mos sai milisia Makikit hodi komanda Timor oan lubun neebe oras nee moris iha Indonesia. Deputadu Manuel Gaspar kaer kilat kontra FALINTIL iha ailaran. Hau lae, hau apenas halo politika pro autonomia hafoin akordu 5 Maiu 1999. Tanba autonomia hanesan opsaun politika ida, no povu Timor-Leste lasimu, mak tuir demokrasia nian, hau ho familia sira nebe pro-autonomia, tenki submete ba opsaun ka desizaun maioria Timor oan sira nian nebe hili ukun rasik an. Tan mos ida ne’e mak agora hau moris iha Timor. Se hau ka familia Saldanha ruma mak naran iha serious crime ka komete kualker krimi ba violasaun direitus humanos nebe halo ema ruma tama kadeia ka halo ema ruma mate, favor ida, lori ba Ministerio Publico. Hau la kontra nem Tribunal Internasional ka Tribunal Nasional atu halo julgamento ba ema hotu nebe halo krimi, husi 1975 mai to’o iha 1999. Se senhores deputados na’in rua halo keisa iha Tribunal Internasional ka iha Tribunal Nasional, hau pronto atu ba hatan. Mas hau fiar, katak senhores deputados sira labrani ba halo keisa, tanba hau nia liman moos, nune’e mos familia sira seluk. Atu deputadu na’in rua hatene, hafoin ONU fo sai rezultadu ba konsulta popular nian, mosu violensia maka’as iha Timor. Ho violensia nebe ema ida labele kontrola iha 1999 nee, halo ema rihun atus mak halai ba Indonezia. Familia Saldanha ho Nunumalau iha Timor-Leste, la halai ba Indonesia, so hau ho hau nia Maun Salvador de’it mak sees ba Indonesia. Sira seluk iha Dili halai sae hotu ba Dare no sira iha Viqueque ba hotu Uatu-Lari tanba laran ho liman moos no la involve krimi ruma.

Desde 1993 hau servisu iha jornal to’o sai Xefi Redasaun iha jornal to’o agora. Hau simu surat husi komandante sira Falur Rate Laek, Lere Anan Timur, Taur Matan Ruak, Ramos Horta no Xanana hodi halo entrevista ho sira mezmu sira iha ailaran ou iha estranjeiru. Husu tok ba Komandante sira ne’e, dala ruma familia Saldanha ka Nunumalau denunsia ona sira nia subar fatin ka rekuza halo entrevista ba sira? Ligasaun Suara Timor Timur (STT) ho klandistina sira diak tebes mezmu nia folin karun tebes. Tanba ligasaun ida ne’e mak iha 17 Abril 1999 jornal STT hetan atake husi milisia sira pro-autonomia to’o STT rahun,  la publika durante fulan ida. 

Iha parte seluk tan husi anexo nian, deputadu Eladio Faculto ho deputadu Manuel Gaspar hateten: "Os que criticam sao oportunista quer aproveitar oportunidade". Atu deputadu Eladio Faculto ho deputadu Manuel Gaspar hatene, hau hela iha Timor tanba hau nia rain. Rai ida naran Timor Leste laos deputadu Eledio Faculto nia kusta muito menus Eladio sosa ho nia kosar ben mesak. Familia Nunumalau balun mos mate ba ukun-an. Timor Leste, ema hotu nian mezmu hau ema eis-autonomista. Hau marka hau nia pozisaun hanesan Timor oan ida neebe iha diretu atu hela iha rai ida nee. Ema sira neebe aproveita mak sira ohin hamutuk ho partidu boot sira hodi hetan kargu boot no projetu, hau ho hau nia maun Salvador lae, maski ami rua defende duni autonomia iha biban neba, ami nafatin sai jornalista to’o agora. 

Senhor deputadu Eladio ho senhor deputadu Manuel Gaspar, hau dehan deit hau nia familia tun husi Matebian iha Dezembru 1978 iha Uatu-Lari. Tun mos tanba Baze de Apoio rahun tiha ona no Komandu Luta nian maka autoriza. Karik la autoriza, hau nia familia mos karik mohu iha Matebian hanesan mos kualker Timor oan sira seluk nebe defende ukun an. Tun husi Matebian, hau hela iha Uatu-Lari semana rua deit. Iha meadus Dezembru 1978, hau mai kedas Dili hodi buka eskola no to’o agora hela iha Dili. Hau fila ba Uatu-Lari iha 1980, hamutuk ho Francisco (Chico) Guterres.  Ami to’o iha Viqueque la’o ain deit ba Uatu-Lari. Ba Uatu-Lari ho objetivu ida de’it,  lori alin sira mai eskola iha Dili. To’o Beasu hetan RATIH no HANSIP Uatu-Lari oan sira nebe atu fila ba Uatu-Lari. Hau  hetan Manuel Gaspar sei kaer kilat hela maske kilat nee naruk liu nian. Hamutuk ho sira lao deit to’o Uatu-Lari hodi lori alin sira mai Dili eskola. Atu lori alin sira mai Dili mos la fasil, tanba la hetan surat jalan. Tenki la’o ain fali husi Uatu-Lari ba Uatu-Carbau hodi hetan surat jalan hodi mai Dili. Husi Uatu-Carbau, ba Baguia mos la’o ain. Alin sira neebe ami lori mai Dili mak Estanislau Saldanha, Carlos da Silva Lopes alias Saky, Afonso Lopes (Saky nia maun), Senhor Marcos husi Waikai (Eis Padre), Pedro ho Miguel husi Dasuwati. Sira na’in tolu ikus ne’e mai hamutuk ho ami. Atu sae Barikasa iha Laga mai Dili tentara sira kaer ami. Sira hatun fali ami husi Barikasa no kastigu ami kalan ida tanba deit ami la fo manu barak neebe ami lori ba sira. Lori ami ba Baucau atu haruka fila ba Viqueque, maibe iha Baucau ami konsegue halai liu mai Dili, tanba HANSIP nebe lori ami husi Laga mai Baucau mos kala ema laran diak ida. Nia husik ami dezenrraska hodi mai Dili. To’o tinan 1987 ami maun-alin sira hela hotu ona iha Dili, hela iha Uatu-Lari hau nia inan, aman ho feton boot deit. Neebe saida mak deputadu nain rua nee deklara iha plenaria nee mesak bosok deit, laiha evidensia. Hau nia aman ho inan lahatene lee no hakerek, nem hatene kaer kilat. Hau nia aman agrikultor diak hatene deit saida mak to’os ho natar, nia lahatene politika. Ninia kilat mak ninia aisuak ho ninia katana hodi ba halo to’os ho natar, hodi sustenta ami hodi eskola. Se hau nia aman ohodor ema karik ema seluk pasti oho fali hau nia aman ona tanba aproveita situasaun hafoin rezultadu referendum 1999. Se ami familia Saldanha mak defende autonomia liu husi dalan krimi nian karik, nusa mak iha Uatu-Lari, ami la forma milisia iha 1999 hanesan fatin sira seluk? Tanba iha tempo neeba, hau nia maun Jose de Sousa mak camat iha Uatu-Lari, nia mak halo esforsu maka’as hodi trava tiha la forma milisia iha Uatu-Lari, nem sunu uma ruma. Sunu uma so akontese iha Uatu-Lari iha 2007, ne’e deputadu Manuel Gaspar hatene ho diak tebes. Deputadu Manuel Gaspar konserteza hatene se mak organiza hodi sunu uma sira, la’os hau, nem familia Saldanha ka Nunumalau ida.

Tanba nee hau sadik deputadu Eladio ho deputado Manuel Gaspar atu keisa iha Ministeriu Publiku, karik hau ho familia ruma involve iha masakre 30 de Marsu. Se iha masakre ruma iha Uatu-Lari karik deputadu Manuel Gaspar pasti hatene, tanba uluk nia mak anggota RATIH, HANSIP no milisia Makikit. Sese mak halo ka lori Uatu-Lari oan sira ba oho mos konserteza deputadu Manuel Gaspar hatene, tanba RATIH, HANSIP ho Makikit sira mak la’o ho militar ka KOPASSUS sira. Hau barani hatete Manuel Gaspar ema hakiak TNI KOPASSUS nian. Hau nia deklarasaun nee hau responsabiliza to’o mundu seluk. 

Hau hela iha Timor laos sorti ida maibe diretu hau nian tanba moris iha rai ida nee. HAU LAOS HANESAN DEPUTADU MANUEL GASPAR ULUK KAER KILAT KONTRA FALINTIL, agora sai reprezentante povu nian liu husi FRETILIN iha Parlamento Nasional. 


 Deskulpa karik hakerek nee hakanek senhores deputados na’in rua nia fuan, maibe defeza de onra halo hau tenki responde no hakerek ho honestidade. Obrigado.

 Dili, 21 Junu 2016. 

 * Xefi Redasaun STL Corp.

Veteranus TL iha oin rua, Lere garante estabilidade eleisaun 2017


Jornal Nacional Diário - 23 de junho de 2016

Xefi Estadu Maior das Forsas Armadas Falitil Forsa Defeza Timor Leste (F-FDTL) Maijor Jeneral Lere Anan Timur konsidera, veteranus iha Timor Leste (TL) ne’e iha oin rua mak hanesan, veteranus libertasaun nasionál, no veteranus ne’ebé mosu iha tempu ukun-an nia laran.

“Ema balun uluk lakohi ukun-an mós sai veteranu, sira ne’ebé hakarak ukun-an, la sai fali veteranu, ida ne’e prosesu ida ne’ebé komplikadu,” dehan Lere Anan Timur ba jornalista sira iha Palácio Prezidensia Repúblika Aitarak Laran Dili, Kuarta (22/06).

Maibé Lere Anan Timur dehan, atu rezolve ida ne’e, lei mak tenki funsiona ho di’ak, atu nune’e problema veteranus nian labele sai bo’ot liu tan.

“Sé lei ne’e dehan katak, sé mak falsifika dokumentu tenki ba tribunal, tenki lori ema sira ne’ebé falsifika dokumentus ne’e ba tribunal. Hanesan ita ko’alia korrupsaun, loron kalan ita ko’alia korrupsaun, mas ita la kaer ema koruptor ida,” Lere fundamenta.

Alénde ne’e, Lere Anan Timur mós dehan, papel ba seguransa eleisaun 2017 ninian, tuir loloos Polisia Nasionál Timor Leste (PNTL) ninian, maibé PNTL ho F-FDTL iha akordu ida atu asegura estabilidade nasionál ida ne’e.

“Ba eleisaun jeral 2017, ha’u la’os pesimista, ha’u fiar katak, ita nia komunidade iha ona maturidade no matenek ona, tanba saida mak sira vota, kampaiña oinsa, eleisaun primeiru ne’ebé ita halo iha 2000 mós laiha problema, kuantu mais agora moris ona iha dezenvolvimentu nia laran, atu halo tan problema,” afirma Lere Anan Timur.

Nia hatutan, povu mós lakohi atu la’o ba kotuk ona, tanba sira hatene saida mak di’ak ba nasaun TL atu la’o ba oin.cos



Jornal Nacional Diário - 23 de junho de 2016

Prezidente Partidu FRETILIN, Francisco Guterres ‘Lu-Olo’ hateten, FRETILIN  seidauk iha hanoin ruma atu halo koligasaun ho Partidu seluk iha eleisaun 2017.

   “Kona-ba ba FRETILIN atu halo koaligasaun ho Partidu ruma ne’e ita bo’ot sira (Jornalista) nia hanoin, ami seidauk iha hanoin ba to iha ne’eba, kuandu bainhira ami hanoin ba to iha ne’eba, maka ami sei fo sai ba ita boot sira,” esplika Francisco Guterres Lu-Olo  ba jornalista iha Bidau, hafoin partisipa lansamentu primeira pedra sede OJETIL Tersa (21/06)  tuku 05:00 iha Lesidere Dili .

 Nune’e mos Lu-Olo, fo hanoin hikas katak, Prezidente Partidu Congresu Nacional Reconstrucćão  Timorense (CNRT) Kay Rala Xanana   Gusmão momentu marka prezensa iha komferensia juventudi FRETILIN nian iha foin lalais ne’e iha CCD.

“Ba ami ida ne’e simplesmente hatete deit dehan katak,  ami senti haksolok bo’ot teb-tebes i juventudi FRETILIN mos haksolok bainhira Xanana marka prezensa iha komferensia refere,” tenik Francisco Guterres Lu-Olo.

Nia dehan, politika ne’e iha ninia implikasaun ka la iha implikasaun ida ne’e lao ba oin.

“Depois mak ita hare, hau la kohi halo espekulasaun apartir agora ba oin. Maibe buat sinal diak ida maka ne’e katak lider sira buka hamutuk para bele hadia ita nia rai. Ida ne’e mak sinal diak. avi

Lere: F-FDTL ho PNTL Mak Lutu Nasaun Nian


Jornal Nacional Diário - 23 de junho de 2016

Xefi Estadu Maior das Forsas Armadas Falintil Forsa Defeza Timor Leste (F-FDTL), Maijor Jeneral Lere Anan Timor rekoñese katak, to’o oras ne’e dada’uk membru Polisia Nasionál Timor Leste (PNTL) ho membru F-FDTL sei buka provoka malu nafatin.

Lere Anan Timur dehan, iha sorumutu ho Prezidenti Repúblika (PR), Taur Matan Ruak ne’e, sira ko’alia kona-ba relasaun instituisaun F-FDTL ho PNTL.

“Elementus balun buka provoka malu, no Prezidenti Repúblika ninia lia menon, tenki tau matan ba instituisaun rua ne’e. I instituisaun rua ne’e, tenke sai ida de’it, tanba sira mesak lutu ba nasaun,”  afirma Lere Anan Timur ba jornalista sira iha Palácio Prezidensia Repúblika Aitarak Laran Dili, Kuarta (22/06).

Lere dehan, situasaun ne’ebé mak akontese iha loron hirak liu ba ne’e, dalaruma membru PNTL sira la kompriende saida mak sira halo ona.

“Sira lahatene katak, sira nia atetude ne’ebé mak sira halo, monu ba krime, i sira baku dalabarak ona, i kazu ida ami lori ona ba tribunal, se tesi todan husi ne’ebé no kaman husi ne’ebé,” katak Jeneral F-FDTL ne’e.

Lere dehan, la’os membru PNTL ho F-FDTL de’it mak baku malu ne’e krime, maibé kualker membru PNTL ka F-FDTL baku komunidade ida, ida ne’e krime bo’ot.

Lere afirma, kuandu militar ida komete indisiplinar ruma, ka latuir régra tranzitu ninian, Polisia Militar mak sei kaer nian, polisia labele naran baku.

“Kuandu ita baku ona ne’e, populasaun mós ita saruntu arbiru de’it, ida ne’e depois ita lakon fiar, lakon konfiansa husi ita nia populasaun,” Lere Anan Timur esklarese.

Tanba ne’e, Lere husu ba PNTL atu respeita komunidade, no respeita malu, labele uza violensia iha servisu lor-loron nian, tanba TL iha lei no métodu atu eduka no kastigu ema ne’ebé la’o sala.

Alénde ne’e, Lere Anan Timur mós informa katak, iha sorumutu ho PR Taur Matan Ruak ne’e, nia informa kona-ba dezenvolvimentu iha instituisaun F-FDTL nia laran.

“Kada Kuarta ami mai hasoru Prezidenti, kuandu nia (PR Taur) laiha programa ruma, atu informa kona-ba situasaun, no asuntu sira seluk ne’ebé iha interese ba ita nia Estadu no ita nia nasaun,” informa Lere.

Nia hatutan, iha sorumutu ne’e, sira ko’alia kona-ba ezersísiu roo mersiu iha Timor Leste foin lalais ne’e, no atividades saida mak forsa Americano no Nova Zelandia sira halo.cos

quarta-feira, 22 de junho de 2016

PN-Governu deskute lei tolu, Xanana “abandona” plenaria


Jornal Nacional Diário - 22 de junho de 2016

Parlamentu Nasional (PN) ho Governu, Tersa (21/06/2016), dekuste lei tolu, kompostu husi lei Rai, lei fundu kriasaun de espropriasaun no lei ordenamentu teritorio iha faze jeneralidade. Maibe, wainhira deputuda leitor lee namanas hela pareser lei sira ne’e ho lian Portugues, Ministru Planeamento no Investimentu Estratejiku (MPIE), Kayrala Xanana Gusmão, husik hela plenaria (abandona), tanba la aguenta ho leitura ne’ebe lee kuaze oras rua nia laran.

Leitura pareser ne’e primeiru lee husi Vise Prezidente komisaun A, Arão Noe de Jesus, no to’o iha pagina hat, kontinua fali ba pagina lima, lee fali husi deputado Joaquim dos Santos akompanha husi prezidente komisaun A, deputada Carmelita Caetano Monis.

Ho asaun ‘abadona’ plenaria ne’ebe hatudu husi MPIE Xanana Gusmão, atual prezidenti partidu CNRT ne’e, jornalista tenta husu tuir ba deputadu balun. Maibe sira ida-idak ho nia konkluzsaun. Deputado balun hateten parase Ministru Xanana la satisfeito ho buat balu ne’ebe mak iha relatorio ne’e ninia laran.

Maibe,  deputado Arão Noe, dehan katak, situasaun ne’e mosu normal, lapresija Ministru Xanana Gusmão atu akompanha to’o remata, tanba iha Ministru Obras Publikas, Gastão Sousa.

“Ne’e normal, parese ministru iha asuntus balu ne’ebe mak presija tebes nia atu hare lalais, ne’ebe ita la bele foti ne’e ba kestaun,” klarifika Arão Noe.

Marka prezensa iha diskusaun lei tolu ne’e, alem de Ministru Xanana Gusmão, iha mos Sekretariu Estadu Terras no Propriedades, Jaime Xavier Lopez, ho mos Ministru Obras Publikas, Transportes no Komunikasoens (MOPTK), Gastão de Sousa.

Vise Prezidente Komisaun A, Parlamentu Nasional, trata asuntu, Justisa, Lei, Poder Lokal, Anti Korrupsaun, no Adiministrasaun Publiku, Arão Noe de Jesus, hateten katak, tanba ejijesia publika no mos husi Governu katak pakote lei tolu ne’e inportante, tanba ne’e maka komisaun fo prioridade ne’ebe durante semana rua audensia no prepara relatorio no submete ba plenaria para atu aprova jeneralidade.

“Antes aprova halo leitura ba lei ordenamentu teritorio, ne’e para definisaun uju rai ne’e oinsa, tanba lei tolu ne’e iha ligasaun ba malu, ne’ebe inportante teb-tebes atu bele aprova lalais, hodi nune’e sai hanesan baze ba halo ordenamentu teritorio ba ita nian,”  hateten vice Prezidente komisaun A ne’e ba jornalista sira.

Deputado bankada CNRT ne’e hatutan tan, kona ba lei rai iha submisaun ida katak, intrudus fila fali, mais depois komisaun hare ba mai katak kapituku 8 koalia kona ba espropriasaun, maibe asuntu espropriasaun ne’e tenke halo estudus ida klean, tanba ne’e maka komisaun A konkorda ho parte Governu, katak ida ne’e sei regula ho lei rasik, tanba tenke halo estudus ida profundu hodi hatene katak espropriasaun ne’e atu espropria hira.

Iha fatin hanesan, Sekretario Estado Terras no Propriedades, Jaime Xavier Lopez, hateten katak, prezensa Governu nian iha diskusaun ne’e importante tebes, tanba atu deskute lei rai.

“Prezensa Governu nian iha diskusaun ne’e, tanba iha lei rua ne’ebe mak ami presija ami, lei hanesan espropriasaun no lei rai ne’e nune’e mos lei ordenamentu teritorial , lei tolu ne’e sai tiha pakote ida, ne’ebe agora dadauk iha hela faze diskusaun ninian,” dehan Jaime Xavier.

Durante loron romak, PN ho Ministeriu relevante deskute deit ba iha faze jeneralidade, no lei hirak ne’e antes hodi mai deskute hamutuk iha plenaria. Antes ne’e mos komisaun A ne’ebe trata asuntu ba lei sira ne’e halo ona audensia ho sosiedade civil no instituisaun balu ne’ebe mak iha relasaun ho lei hirak ne’e. mia

Manuel Tilman konsidera, ZEESM illegal no inkonstitusionál


Jornal Nacional Diário - 22 de junho de 2016

Projetu Zona Espesial Ekonomia Sosial Merkadu (ZEESM) besik atu finaliza ona maibe Jurista Manuel Tilman konsidera, Projetu ZEESM Oe-cusse ne’e, illegal no inkonstitusionál, tanba kontrariu ho konstituisaun Repúblika Demokrátika Timor Leste (RDTL).

“ZEESM ne’e, tuir ha’u nia hanoin ne’e illegal hela i inkonstitusionál hela, administrasaun espesial, la signifika rejiaun espesial. Munisipiu ne’e rejiaun laiha, RAEO ne’e illegal no inkonstitusionál,” dehan Manuel Tilman ba jornalista sira iha nia kna’ar fatin Hotel Garden Beach Dili, Tersa (21/06).

Tilman esplika, uluk konstituente nia tempu, nia hato’o proposta ida ba Parlamentu Nasionál atu tau Rejiaun Autónoma Oe-cusse Ambeno.

“Maibé se mak lakohi naran ne’e duni mak, Dr. Mari Alkatiri ho deputadu nain hat mai husi Oe-cusse,” katak Manuel Tilman.

Nia haktuir,  Zona Ekonómika Espesial, la’os Zona Rejiaun Espesial, tanba ida ne’e ekonómia, so ema ne’ebé lahatene Portugues mak bele interpreta buat ne’e oin seluk.

Tilman dehan, konstituisaun hatete katak, Oe-cusse Administrasaun Espesial. Artigu kintu ne’e hatete katak, Estadu tenke respeita nia organizasaun territorial tomak, ho prinsipiu ida naran desentralizasaun administrasaun públika.  “Oe-cusse Ambeno i Atauro, goja tramentu administrativu i ekonómiku espesial, la’os tratamentu rejionál espesial,” relata Tilman.

Hatan kona-ba agora dada’uk dokumentus hotu iha Oe-cusse, autoridade ZEESM halakon tiha logo RDTL nian hodi tau fali logo ZEESM nian, Tilman dehan, Oe-cusse nunka atu bele iha Bileti Identidade ketak, tanba Oe-cusse la’os nasaun ida.

“Buat ne’e naran preponténsia de poder, ema balu dehan agora ha’u tabele ba ida ne’e, ha’u tabele ba ida ne’eba, agora Mari ho Xanana ne’e, ha’u lahatene Mari mak tabele ba Xanana ka, Xanana mak tabele ba Mari,” afirma Manuel Tilman.

Eis deputadu husi partidu KOTA ne’e esklarese, naran de’it mós illegal ona, satan dokumentu sira ne’ebé tau logo ZEESM ne’e, illegal liu tan.

Manuel Tilman afirma, Oe-cusse ne’e Munisipiu ida la’os rejiaun, maibé nia administrasaun ne’e mak espesial.

Tilman hatutan, Mari Alkatiri nia pozisaun iha Oe-cusse ne’e, hanesan Ministru, tanba nomeadu husi Governu no hetan tomada de posse husi Prezident Repúblika.

“Prezidenti ZEESM Dr. Mari ne’e, ekivalente de Ministru, la’os Primeiru Ministru Rejiaun Autonomo Oe-cusse,”tenik Manuel Tilman.cos

Dokumentus Oecusse Tau Simbulu ZEESM, Tilman:“Nee Prepotensia De Poder”


Suara Timor Lorosae - 21 de junho de 2016

DILI- Eis Primeiru Ministru Mari Alkatiri, lideira prozetu ZEESM iha Oecusse halo dokumentus hotu-hotu tau simbolu ZEESM, nee buka prepotensia de poder.

Tuir Jurista Manuel Tilman katak Munisipiu Oecusse nunka iha Bileti indentidade ketak nee nunka, Mari Alkatiri nia hasai kursu boot sai Primeiru Ministru, maibe kostitusaun nee Mari Alkatiri la halo.
Sira tau dokumentu hotu-hotu iha Oecusse ho simbolu ZEESM nee, tamba buat ida bolu naran prepotensia de puder, hau la hatene ema balun dehan hau tabele ba ida nee hau tabele ba ida neeba, agora Mari Alkatiri ho Xanana nee hau la hatene Mari maka tabele ba Xanana ka Xanana maka tabele ba Mari,” hateten Tilman, ba STL, iha nia knar fatin Pantai Kelapa, Dili, Tersa (21/06/2015).

Tilman nee mos haklean ZEESM nee ilegal no inkostitusional, tamba nia nee administrasaun espesial, la signifika rejiaun espesial, uluk kostituante nia tempu proposta husi nia duni atu tau rejiaun otonoma Oecusse Ambeno, maibe iha momentu neebe Mari Alkatiri inklui deputadu nain 4 husi Oecusse nia la kohi naran nee.

Iha parte seluk Ativista Aniceito da Conceção hateten Prezidente ZEESM agora poder iha Oecusse halo mudansa buat hotu-hotu tuir nia hakarak. Joao Anibal

sexta-feira, 17 de junho de 2016



Jornal Nacional Diário - 17 de junho de 2016

Bispo Diocese Dili, Mgr. Virgilio do Carmo da Silva, SDB, fiar katak, autor sira ne’ebé kalan-kalan hana ema ho rama ambon ne’ e iha ema balun maka haki’ak no mentaliza sira.

Dom Virgilio mos akresenta katak, ema sira ne’ebé hana ema seluk iha kalan-kalan iha Dili laran no fatin seluk ne’e, la’os grupu deskonhesidus, maibe sira subar an iha ema balun hodi halo aktividades ilegal ne’e ba interese ruma.

“Nu’udar sarani ha’u la hatene buat sira ne’e mosu husi ne’ebé, maibe situasaun ne’e realidade. Ita hotu apela ba seguransa sira hodi buka tuir ema sira ne’e kaptura autor prinsipál sira ne’ebé hakiak no mentaliza hanador sira ne’e,”  afirma Dom Virgilio ba jornalista sira iha salaun Madre Canosiana Becora, Kinta (16/6/2016).

Dom Virgilio mós rona katak, semana kotuk, iha ema balun lori motor hana joven ida iha besik Largo Lecidere nian. Autor sira ne’e maioria juventudi no labarik idade eskola deit, tanba ne’e, Dom Virgílio husu ba foinsa’e sira tenki hadomi malu no iha karidade ba malu.

“Maske ita halai ses husi justisa no husi ema, ba Maromak nia oin, ita labele ses. Hakarak ka lakohi, ita tenki simu pena tuir saida mak ita halo iha mundu ne’e,’’ esplika Dom Virgilio.

Nia husu ba grupu no ema sira ne’ebé mak involve iha aktividade ne’e tenke hanain uluk mak halo, tanba nu’udar Sarani Katolika, Maromak sei la taka matan ba hahalok saida deit mak nia sarani sira halo iha mundu ne’e no sei ba hatan loron ikus iha Maromak Nia futar oin.nia

Alkatiri:Ema balun matan la delek, tilun la diuk tanba nega prosesu dezenvolvimentu iha Oé-Cussi


Mari Alkatiri - Facebook

Sei iha ema balu atu nega sa'ida maka akontese iha prosesu dezenvolvimento Oé- Cusse iha tempo badak nia laran. Sira matan la delek, tilun la diuk. Sira ta'auk rekonyese tamba tenta atu subar realidade ida ne'e ba povu Oé-Cusse no ba Povo tomak iha Timor-Leste.

Sira tilun la diuk tanba sira rona no hatutan argumento nebe'e mamuk ho lojika no nakonu ho intensaun negativa bainhira husu ba retorno iha tempo badak ba investimento publiku iha infraestruturas. Sira hakarak hatete katak osan barak maka uza maibe'e retorno sei la iha. Sira hanoin diak liu husik povo Ambeno moris nafatin iha nakukun. Tanba eletrisidade sei la fo retorno.

Sira dehan katak harii irigasaun lori susar tanba durante tinan ida povu labele halo natar. Sira taka matan ba realidade katak bainhira Irigasaun ne' e natar sei bele bot liu. Tinan2 sei bele kuda hare dala rua ka dala tolu. No sira haluha tiha fenómeno El Niño nebe taka tiha udan liu ona tinan ida. Koalia mudansasklimatérikas iha ibun tutun deit. Rona ema seluk koalia sira hatutan deit.

Sira hakarak hahu ho dezenvolvimento rural maibe'e lakohi atu investe iha irigasaun, iha pontes, iha estradas. Halo nusa povu bele lori sira nia produto lokal ba merkadu?

Sira lakohi atu Oé-Cusse bele hetan infraestruturas públikas no privadas modernos atu bele atrai investidores, atu hahu ho Turismo hanesa área desenvolvimento ida atu aumenta reseitas.

Sira lakohi Oé-Cusse atu sai husi izolamento. Tanba sira hatene katak bainhira rai Ambeno sai husi izolamento ema turista ba Oé-Cusse sei aumenta ba beibeik. Turista aumenta, reseitas baOé-Cusse mos aumenta. Sira lakohi rezultadu diak ida ne'e.

Tamba ne'e sira kondena sosa avião kiik ida atu hamate izolamento, ho argumento mukit ho lojika . Sira nia razaun maka povu seidauk bele sa'e aviaun.

Sira taka matan ba ro privado sira nebe'e lor-loron husi Dili ba Oé-Cusse, lori oras tolu resindeit. Uluk ita iha Nakroma deit. Sai besi tua ona mos sei la'o nafatin.

Nakroma lori husi Dili ba Oè-Cusse oras 12.

Kuitadu. Sira halo buat sira ne'e hotu tanba deit lakohi rekonyese susesu iha Oé-Cusse. Sira hatene susesu iha duni. Maibe'e sira lakohi rekonyese tanba la os sira maka lori susesu ne'e mai. Lakohi rekonyese tanba sira hatene katak dalan ba sira klot ba beibeik. Lakohi rekonyese atu bele bosok nafatin povo Timor-Leste tomak.

Bainhira sira ba Oé-Cusse sira tenta uza argumento oin2 atu mobiliza povu ba pratika hateke badak nian. Dehan ba povu Ambeno katak prosesu agora la'o dadauk ne'e la os dezenvolvimentu ida atu fo benefisiu ba povu. Atu lakohi povu atu partisipa iha prosesu. Hakarak povu atu tane liman nafatin husu buat hotu husi Estado. Atu povu labele kore nian husi lasu no dependência.

Iha sorin fali bainhira sira ba Baucau, Viqueque ka Lautem sira lori politika, politika nakonu ho diskriminasaun no atu fahe Timor-Leste ba Loro Sa'e/ Loro Monu hatete: "Imi Loro Sa'e maka vota ba FRETILIN maibe'e SG FRETILIN nian lori fali dezenvolvimento ba Oé-Cusse".

Ikus liu sira sempre rekonyese katak iha Oé-Cusse prosesu dezenvolvimento la'o duni. Sira mos rekonyese katak SG FRETILIN maka hetan fiar atu lori mehi bot ida ne'e atu sai realidade ba Timor-Leste, hahu husi Oé-Cusse. Ne'e maka realidade. Tanba ne'e sira la gosta. Tanba ne'e sira nega. Tanba ne'e sira Odi.


terça-feira, 14 de junho de 2016

Mari Alkatiri Hakarak Tan Segundu Projetu ZEESM Iha Munisipiu Covalima Karik!


By: Arsenio Bento Teixeirinha

Laran tristi tebes haree, lee no rona deklarasaun ne'ebe' mak foin lalais Kamarada Mari Alkatiri hato’o ba públiku, iha ne'ebe' nia dehan, laran moras haree Munisipiu Covalima la la’o ba oin. Depois, Kamarada Mari mós so’e piadas ida hodi dehan, “Susesu la mai de’it, ita sa’e foho tun foho halo promesa, maibé ho kapasidade hatu halo planu no programa”.  

Refleta fali ba mensajen rua ne'ebe' refere iha leten, no hanesan ema jerasaun FRETILIN, senti tristi tebes, liliu haree lideransa partidu istóriku ida hanesan FRETILIN sei kaer nafatin ema ida hanesan kamarada Mari Alkatiri atu uza nafatin naran FRETILIN hodi buka fama ba nia an, nia familia no nia lacaios sira. Maibé, iha tempu hanesan mós desfama ema seluk no desfama rasik naran sagradu FRETILIN ne'ebe' tuir loloos povu ka ema Timor oan hotu ninian.

Argumentu hirak ne'ebe' hato’o iha leten ne’e, presiza hato’o ba públiku duni tamba razaun ne'ebe' hakarak atu hato’o hanesan tuirmai:

✓ Primeiru Pontu, tuir istória loloos wainhira atu harii Asosiasaun Sosialista Demokrâtiku Timorense, ga ASDT, Matebian Avo Xavier, hato’o iha intervista badak ida iha Restaurant Putih Bungsu (Audian-red) katak, ASDT kria atu hamosu prosesu ida atu bele tau matan ba Timor Oan hotu, la’os ba grupu ida ga rua. Depois, hamutuk ho lideransa Timor Oan sira seluk tan hamosu ona konseitu hamutuk hodi trasa hanoin ida atu oin’sa bele realiza mehi ida hanesan refere iha leten “tau matan ba Timor Oan tomak”.  Entaun, konseitu ida ne’e bele la’o só mosu transformasaun polítika ida iha Timor-Leste (iha momentu ne’ebá), entaun transforma ASDT sai FRETILIN depois de prosesu ne'ebe' naruk iha ne'ebe' Avo Xavier rasik halo viajen ba mai hamutuk ho nia kolega sira lubuk balun to’o hetan konseitu FRENTE REVOLUSIONARIU TIMOR-LESTE INDEPENDENSIA, ne'ebe' ikus mai ita hatene ho naran FRETILIN. Prosesu luta ikus mai, hau la presiza tan ona konta naru-naruk, tamba hau fiar katak, ita boot leitor sira mós hatene sobre ita nia prosesu luta mai Ukun An to’o wainhira ONU tama atraves UNAMET hodi hala’o prosesu Konsultu Popular iha 1999 iha ne'ebe' maioria husi ita halo vota kontra Autonomia Espesial mak’as tebes. Depois tama periodu tranzisaun to’o 20 Maio 2002, molok ita nia Primeiru Governu Konstitusional ne'ebe' FRETILIN mak kaer hanesan partidu ne'ebe' hetan vota barak liu iha primeiru ileisaun parlamentar iha momentu ne’eba. Depois, ita iha Timor-Leste truka governu ba mai to’o dala nen agora. Maibé, mezmu governu truka ba mai dala 6 ona, mas pontu prinsipal ne'ebe' ita nia lideransa sira barak haluha wainhira kaer ukun mak katak, sira la “tau matan ba Timor Oan hotu”. Maibé “tau matan liu ba interese partidariu no interese polítiku”, inklui atura sira nia kapurisu rasik, inklui kria grupu previliaju balun para hetan/manan ‘kondisaun’ barak tamba sira nia aliansa polítiku (tuir Prezidente Repúblika, Taur Matan Ruak, nia deskursu iha Parlamentu Nasional).

Haktuir fila-fali ba realidade husi komplexidade polítika hirak ne'ebe' aprezenta iha leten, saída loloos mak akontese iha Timor-Leste. Partidu FRETILIN ne'ebe' mak iha naran istoriku mós ema uza ba Ukun Na’in sira nia privilejiu, mas la’os ba interese povu maubere nian. Uza naran FRETILIN para hetan privilejiu sira seluk, hanesan sai Sekretariu Jeral no Prezidente ba partidu FRETILIN rasik liu tinan 10 resin, eme bara-barak iha estrutura FRETILIN nia laran ne’e mesak ema hakerek ho lee lahatene mak kamarada Mari Alkatiri ho kamarada Lu Olo mak kaer hela de’it kargu rua ne’e ga? Ga kamarada Mari Alkatiri kontrola ema/apoiante sira ne’e atraves kapital finanseiru hanesan nia halo iha Angola, Mozambique no Portugal, para to’o ileisaun sema sira ne’e TENKI HILI nafatin nia hanesan lideransa ba partidu istôriku ne’e.

✓ Segundu pontu ne'ebe' hau hakarak atu aprezenta mak haktuir fali kamarada Mari Alkatiri nia deklarasaun ne'ebe' dehan, “senti laran moras, tamba nia hare Municipiu Covalima lalao ba oin”.

Se ita observa kestaun ga deklarasaun ne’e didiak, ita hotu presiza atu husu to’ok, Kamarada Mari Alkatiri dun kulpa ba se? Dun ba Maun Breok ga? Se la’e, karik, ida ne’e se nia kulpa? Loloos karik, ko’alia hanesan lideransa no figura públiku ida, Kamarada Mari loloos labele dun kulpa, maibé hamosu deklarasaun ida ne'ebe' mak fó korajen hametin liútan espiritu povu nian atu serbisu hamutuk hodi la’o ba oin (la’os dun pois soe piadas). Se kamarada Mari Alkatiri mak dun kulpa ba Maun Breok karik, se mak fó kargu ida ba kamarada Mari para ba kaer Ukun iha Oe-cussi? La’os Maun Breok ga? Pois, na’in rua Ukun Governu Timor-Leste ne’e, la’os Maun Breok ho Kamarada Rui Maria de Araújo ga? Nusa mak hamosu fali perguntas hirak hanesan ita boot ko’alia ne’e, kamarada Mari Alkatiri mós ko’alia hanesan labarik halimar tahu.

Iha kestaun interesante tebes ida ne'ebe' prezisa atu aprezenta, dalaruma Kamarada Mari Alkatiri hakarak para Primeiru Ministru, Rui, ho Maun Breok atu kria tan projetu ZEESM segundu nian ba Munisipiu Covalima ba kamarada Mari atu jere karik? Para nune’e hamosu konseitu ida katak, parte Rejiaun Autonoma Oe-cussi ho Munisipiu Covalima kamarada Mari Alkatiri mak ukun. Mas, munisipiu seluk Maun Breok mak ukun.


Depois imajina to’ok, se ita boot lideransa sira mak hadau malu kargu lideransa hanesan hamosu ona iha espekulasaun hirak iha leten, osan hirak mak ita boot sira sei halo mohu ba ita boot sira nia egoismu ga kapurisu? Timor-Leste ne’e presiza duni atu atura ita boot sira nia egoismu no kapurisu mak hakat ba oin? Hau sinti la’e, ita boot sira mate lahuk tiha mos Timor-Leste sei iha nafatin, no iha jerasaun seluk mak sei kontinua prosesu planu no dezenvolvimentu atu dezenvolve nafatin rai doben Timor-Leste ne’e. Naran mak labele haluha konseitu inisiu no prinsipiu loloos wainhira atu harii FRETILIN tuir istoria husi Avo Xavier nian ne'ebe' dehan, “tau matan ba Timor Oan hotu”. Depois, kamarada Dezenvolvimentu ne’e prosesu ida, no prosesu ne’e so bele la’o loos wainhira ita boot sira hanesan ukun nain iha konkordansia, kordenasaun no komunika ba malu hanesan ekipa futebol diak ida para bele manan no hetan vitoria. Se la’e ikus mai, iha ita boot sira nia oin, ema gava imi, mas iha kotuk ema sira besik liu ita boot sira ne’e mak fila kontra no trata fali ita boot sira.

✓ Terseiru pontu ne'ebe' hakarak atu aprezenta mak haktuir fali kamarada Mari Alkatiri nia deklarasaun ne'ebe' dehan, “susesu lamai deit husi ema sae foho tun foho hodi halo promesa, maibee ho kapasidade atu halo planu”.

Dala ida tan, ida ne’e piadas ema matan dukur se la’e entaun labarik foin mak aprende halo polítiku, Maun Prezidente Taur, la tun ba baze, husu suku ba suku atu halo promesa. Maun Prezidente Taur tun ba baze atu kria konsiensia entre nia ho komunidade, depois haree no rona preokupasaun hirak ne'ebe' mak komunidade sira hasoru iha realidade iha moris loro-loron. Maun Prezidente Taur, ajuda Governu Timor-Leste atu halo revizaun no ajusta fali planu dezenvolvimentu ne'ebe' mak iha ona hodi hatan loloos susar ga preokupasaun hirak ne'ebe' mak komunidade sira hato’o durante nia vizita suku. La’os halo hanesan ita boot nian, sa’e helikoptru ne'ebe' sosa ho Osan Governu nian, pois seluk karu loos atu semo de’it iha minutu hirak nia laran depois mak soe piadas ba Maun Prezidente Taur.

Hakbesik an ba ema ga populasaun ne’e tamba Maun Prezidente Taur hadomi nia povu, pois la’o no ba halibur, fahe informasaun depois toba iha komunidade sira nia let hodi haree povu sira nia realidade. Informa mós ba kamarada Mari katak, atraves viajen hirak ne’e mak ita haneran mapiamentu ba prosesu planu dezenvolvimentu. Klaru SUSESU SEI LA MAI HUSI NE’EBA, mas kuandu komunidade iha korajen, iha konsiensia no iha hakarak atu serbisu hamutuk, buat barak bele. Atraves buat simple hirak ne’e mak Timor-Leste bele manan funu, la’os atraves Nai Ulun sira ne'ebe' mak gosta subar iha partidu istóriku nia kotuk. Depois, keta uza partidu istôriku ida hanesan FRETILIN hamahun fali oportunista ne'ebe' uluk tabeledor ba military Indonezio sira.  


sábado, 11 de junho de 2016

"An Open Letter to Xanana and Cronies"



"Dear Xanana and cronies,

My son, Hadomi, and I are writing this letter to explain why we are returning the flag that you gave him at his father’s funeral a year ago. 
It is one year since Mau Nando died and we still don’t have answers to several of our questions. I had asked several people to deliver this letter to you personally. I hope they did. 
But someof them said, "No" (for all kinds of reasons). I used to admire you...you used to be an inspiration. I used to keep a letter you had written to me from Cipinang in 1993 as if it were a sacred object. In that letter you said: "I hope I never disappoint you." But after living with Maun Nando for 17 years, and hearing Maun Nando's stories about you and the way you treated him, I became not just disappointed, but disillusioned, and disgusted. I suppose you thought that Maun Nando would just die quietly, taking with him al his thoughts, and conversations with you. 

Fortunately, or unfortunately (depending on where you stand), he often woke me up at 2am and beyond to release all of his despair and frustration about your maun-alin relationship, in which you somehow always managed to turn him into your maid/ errand boy “orang lapangan”, making him do all the tough things you didn’t want to do, making him work late at night, on weekends, and then not appreciating his work. He wasn't the only one. Many people have the same grievances similar to this. And now I feel as if Hadomi and I have secondary trauma, inheriting all the nasty stuff that you did to him, which he un-loaded to us.

Hadomi and I really wanted to go home for his father's koremetan this June 2nd. His father only died once and has a one-year anniversary only once. For the rest of his life, Hadomi will be without a father, while you and your cronies get to hi hi hi ha ha ha with your kids and grandkids, enjoying your elderly-ness. Maun Nando said to me: "Xanana itu sangat berkepentingan menikmati masa tua dia." Hilarious. Now I know what he means. Everytime we see fb posts of you with your children and grandchildren, laughing and celebrating, it only reminds us of what you took away from other children. Let that spectre haunt you. Several months ago, we had already packed our bags to go back to our "home" and to the koremetan. His father sacrificed his time and his life, went to prison for a long time, so that he could build a beautiful, safe, loving community and country called "East Timor". 

But after observing and taking notes on what has been going on in the past several months, I’m not certain anymore that it is safe for us. You and your cronies have created a political environment that makes women, children, youth, educators, and others feel insecure, unstable, and unsafe (except for you and your cronies of course).

Maun Nando sacrificed his youth and his life in order to build a Timor Leste that is peaceful and prosperous, a place where his own children can grow-up without fear, and yet here we are, in exile, with almost no support except from my own family, thanks to your dirty money politics. My son and I have lost everything: our home, the country that we dreamed of building together with Maun Nando, a future for Hadomi as a Timorese. I suppose you should know how Hadomi feels about this flag you gave him. He said: “When I grow up, I will find out which areas the East Timorese are competing in at the Olympics…I will train, and then join the opposite team, and beat the Timorese. That will be my revenge.” When I reminded him that he is also half- Timorese, he said: “I don’t care.” I’m sure he is not the only one who feels this way. 

There must be a lot of other orphans out there, whose fathers have died tragically, who are also going to turn into rebels one day, if they haven't already. When you eliminate people, their children just replace them. You should have learned that lesson from Suharto. Oh, but I forgot: indeed you and your buddies are Suharto’s very best students, so loyal to his methods; so you did learn that lesson, only too well. "Guru kencing berdiri, murid kencing berlari."

This is not just my “personal problem”. It’s a social, political, structural, economic problem. You often talk about your “lack of human resources”, but the brilliant educators that you do have, you kick around and treat like second and third class citizens. You act as if that country only belongs to you and your families, but it belongs to everyone who also struggled in the anti- colonial resistance, including outsiders, foreigners like Benedict Anderson, like Hadomi and myself. But I suppose that is what Ben Anderson meant by “imagined communities”. It’s only imagined. It’s not real. 

And yet Hadomi’s father gave his life for this country. What a paradox. Why do we even have to convince you and your cronies that we are worthwhile citizens? After all this time, you’d think that you and your pals would have already figured that out. Why do we have to fight so hard for our citizenship and rights in that country, when we have already given our heart and soul all these years? What more could you possibly want? So you know what: you can have it all.

It occurred to me that while other men are also crying -- posting how they are crying and in tears, in their comments in facebook, you on the other hand, have no mercy. Perhaps you and your friends might benefit from some form of trauma therapy or grief counselling. Seriously. Instead of taking time to grieve and mourn, you campaign and campaign, attack each other…You should all just stop, take time to cry, shed tears, and heal. You all don’t have to pretend to be so macho. When I look back, I feel really sorry for Maun Nando.There he was -- he had to work with you almost everyday for so many years. And yet no matter what he did, you somehow managed to continually sabotage and dominate him.It's enough to kill anybody. 

Why is it that everyone close to you is either dead or seriously ill? Some of your cronies are silent now. They just want to "aproveita". If they do speak, they use clandestine names, a pseudonym, or are anonymous. What kind of society are you building? Where everyone is so afraid, so terrified to speak? One person actually called long- distance (imagine!) only to remind me that you have “a lot of spies”. It made me laugh. I already know that. It’s ironic that you accuse the Australians of spying on you, but other Timorese think you’re spying on them.

If I were just thinking of myself and Hadomi, then I should just stay silent too and disappear quietly. 

Who knows what you might do to us with all your spying? But what about our community? The country, values, and principles that Maun Nando fought and died for?

P.S. I'm posting this in fb to make sure your spies deliver it to you.


Joy Siapno and Hadomi de Araujo"

sexta-feira, 10 de junho de 2016



Jornal Nacional Diário - 10 de junho de 2016

Prezidenti Zona Espesial Ekonomia Sosial Merkadu (ZEESM), Timor Leste (TL), Mari Alkatiri deklara, ema balun ne’ebé mak akuza nia fó projetu ba nia familia sira ne’e, tanba sira halo aliansa ho diabu hodi sai kampiaun ba dezenvolvimentu.

“Sira halo aliansa ho diabu hatais ropa oin-oin depois  subar inventa fali diabu seluk hodi subar sira nia aliansa, lalika halo ema ida atu sai diabu, ita bo’ot sira mak halo aliansa uluk ho diabu agora atu subar aliansa ho diabu ne’e atu sai fali kampiaun ba dezenvolvimentu,” dehan Mari Alkatiri liu husi konferensia imprensa iha edifisiu ZEESM Oecusse, Kinta (9/6/2016).

Alkatiri esplika katak, iha projetu ZEESM ne’e nia familia nunka involve iha laran, la manan iha projetu ZEESM inklui la tuir tan prosesu tenderizasaun. No iha prosesu tenderizasaun ne’e mós la’os nia mak halo avaliasaun, maibé parte Comissão Nacional Aprovizionamentu (CNA) sira mak halo avaliasaun, nune’e nia la iha kompeténsia atu fó projetu ba  nia familia.

“Hotu-hotu komesa rekunhese susesu iha Oecusse, tanba hakarak inventa saida mak negativu para halo polítika prepara-an ba eleisaun 2017”, koalia Alkatiri.

Nia esplika, uluk nia sai Primeiru Ministru ema barak halo akuzasaun ba nia, nune’e nia rezigna-an ema halo investigasaun ba nia inklui nia familia, maibé la hetan buat ida. Ikus mai husik kargu PM ne’e ema hotu la preokupa nia to’o agora nia mai iha Oecusse bele sukat ona nia kapasidade no ema hotu hahú preokupa fali nia.

Alkatiri mós haktuir katak, projetu bo’ot sira iha Oecusse ne’e la iha emprezáriu Timoroan ida mak iha kapasidade atu manan liu-liu ba nia familia, tanba tuir Alkatiri nia familia ida deit mak emprezáriu, maibé agora dadaun nia iha Atauro.

“Nia sei iha problema bo’ot kuandu ha’u ba Atauro karik agora Óbras Públika fó projetu Atauro tomak ba nia ema la koalia tanba nia makina hotu iha ne’ebá. Maibé bainhira ha’u iha ne’ebá mak projetu nia simu nafatin ema komesa koalia fali, ne’e realidade”, tenik Alkatiri. Nia

quinta-feira, 9 de junho de 2016

East Timor: independent under despair



Despite 14 years of independence in East Timor, only few have been enriched, argues Ivo Mateus Goncalves.

While East Timor (Timor-Leste) won a hard and long fought-for independence more than a decade ago, the human and economic development of its people has languished.

Independence was formally restored to East Timor in 2002 after the people were permitted to decide their own fate and end a quarter-century of Indonesian military rule through the ballot box under the auspice of the United Nations in 1999.

The first general election to elect the President and Parliament was held in the same year. Since then, the East Timorese people have cast their vote three times. In the time since independence significant amounts of state budget have been approved by the Parliament every year, but no demonstrable change has been achieved in terms of human development and economic growth.

According to Agio Pereira (the Minister of State and of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers), East Timor has enormous economic growth compared to other underdeveloped countries. While East Timor’s giant neighbor Indonesia has projected 7 per cent economic growth per year, East Timor has achieved an average non-oil growth of 11.9 per cent between 2007 and 2017. This figure has been projected to rise steadily to 14 to 15 per cent in 2016 and  2017.

And yet the economic achievement portrayed by these figures does not represent the reality on the ground. The vast majority of people, almost 68 per cent, are still living in extreme poverty on a basic income of less than one dollar a day. Roughly 54 to 55 per cent of children are malnourished and stunting. The latter figure is the highest in the country’s immediate region.

Most state revenue comes from petroleum and there are few attempts by the government to develop renewable resources in order to avoid too much dependency on oil. Little attention has been paid to investment in agricultural production and huge landmasses in the countryside remain uncultivated, making East Timor one of the biggest importers of rice in Southeast Asia. Most basic goods are obtained from Indonesia, Australia and Singapore. Despite being hailed as one of the richest countries in the world thanks to its huge petroleum revenues, the fact of the matter is East Timor has become heavily dependent on the outside world.

Today, East Timor is reliving the experience of many other oil rich nations, of booming natural resource-based revenues but abject poverty among the general populace. Government institutions cannot absorb the demand for employment as the number of fresh graduates is rising significantly at the end of every academic year. As the World Bank notes, “with 60 per cent of the population under 25 years of age, Timor-Leste is one of the youngest countries in the world.”

Last month, the 14th commemoration of the restoration of independence was held in the district of Ermera, in the western part of East Timor. Ermera is well known for its coffee plantations, a cash crop introduced by Portuguese colonialism in the 16th century. Despite most of the population being coffee growers, the people in Ermera live in serious poverty.

This is because a coffee duopoly has been guaranteed by the government of East Timor to two big multinational companies: NCBA from the United States and Timor Global, managed by Singaporean East Timor’s descendant Bobby Lay Ny Sing. Coffee farmers must sell their coffee to the aforementioned companies rather than linking up directly with the market on their own.

Compounding these issues is the flow of internal migration from the districts into the main town of Dili, scaling up the concentration of the population in the centre and increasing the number of shanty towns on the outskirts of Dili. During the night, unschooled kids sell newspapers, calling cards, and pull rickshaws full of fruit and vegetables. Some of them even lay down in the corridors of minimarts or whatever place they can find that’s comfortable to spend the night. The phenomena of street children and prostitution is gathering momentum.

In the education sector, most of the basic infrastructure was set ablaze when the Indonesian military left East Timor in the aftermath of the restoration of independence. Many qualified teachers and lecturers also departed. Significant sums of money have been allocated to the educational sector, but the Government’s long-term plan to enhance the quality of education is still a long way off due to the lack of human resources and the paucity of teaching materials, from basic education through to higher education.

Even though health care is free for every citizen, and further treatment for serious illness abroad, the local health facilities, including qualified medical personnel to provide treatment for those suffering a variety of different diseases, have deteriorated.

The challenge ahead for economic development is how to deal with the Australian Government to secure the maritime boundary which is, as Xanana Gusmao, the Chief negotiator of the Timor Sea, aptly called it ‘the matter of life and death’.

Australia and East Timor have been engaged in a long-running dispute over rich offshore petroleum resources in the Timor Sea. A series of treaties has been agreed over the years to try and resolve the issue but Australia is resisting East Timor’s push to agree a permanent maritime boundary and has recently called on the United Nations to intervene in the dispute.

The East Timorese Government’s struggle to push the Australian Government to the negotiating table is bearing fruit as the Australian Government has delegated two representatives for the conciliatory approach proposed by the East Timorese Government through Xanana Gusmao.

The East Timorese Government has secured about US $17 million from the oil revenue in the US Federal Bank and all of the state budget to fund development has been withdrawn from this saving.

Nonetheless, there has been serious concern among civil society that revenue from oil production will run out and that East Timor will fall into the grip of a ‘resource curse,’ given the minimal attempts from Government to diversify the economic sector such as by building up basic infrastructure to boost agricultural production, develop community-based tourism, promote historical sites to the outside world and attract more foreign tourists.

The restoration of independence has been celebrated every year in a different site. The common aim of every commemoration is to bolster the sense of nationalism and re-invigorate the energy of independence. But the irony is that the huge and costly festivities are at odds with the reality on the ground. Needy people in remote areas are still fighting to make their life better through whatever means they find available to them while members of parliament and government officials are engaged in a ‘one night show’ of long speeches to encourage the people to remain strong and have patience amid the hard times.

Despite 14 years of independence and a booming oil revenue in East Timor, only the few have been enriched while the many have fallen further behind. With only a year and a half left before the next general election, the record must be set straight and a future elected government commit to avoid inflicting further damage on the East Timorese people’s expectation of a better life.

Ivo Mateus Goncalves is an independent researcher based in Dili, East Timor.




Sua Exelénsia Prezidente Repúblika Taur Matan Ruak  hato’o nia preokupasaun kona-ba implementasaun ba Lei órgaun administrasaun eleitorál ne’ebé promulga tiha ona semana kotuk.

Lei Parlamentu Nasionál hirak-ne’e hakarak hakotu ona mandatu membru sira Komisaun Nasionál Eleisaun nian maski mandatu ne’e sei la’o hela. Nomeasaun ba CNE foun ida iha fulan balun de’it molok atu eleitorál importante lubuk ida, hanesan eleisaun lideransa komunitária iha tinan ida-ne’e no eleisaun prezidensiál no lejizlativa iha tinan oin mai, bele halo ita kestiona kona-ba CNE nia dezempeñu bainhira hala’o knaar fiskalizasaun ba atu resenseamentu no eleisaun no halo povu sente laran-rua kona-ba CNE nia independénsia. CNE foun ida sei la bele toman an ho kompeténsias ne’ebé mak atu hala’o iha tempu badak nia laran. Iha tempu hanesan, mudansa ba nia estrutura, maski nia mandatu seidauk hotu, bele konsidera hanesan intromisaun iha CNE nia independénsia ne’ebé hatuur ona iha art. 65 Konstituisaun nian. Hakarak fó-hanoin hikas katak Parlamentu Nasionál mak halo alterasaun hirak-ne’e, la’ós Governu mak propoin, no la hetan konkordánsia hosi Prezidente Repúblika.

Prezidente Repúblika husu ba Tribunál Rekursu atu halo apresiasaun ba dúvidas ne’ebé mosu kona-ba konstitusionalidade diploma ida-ne’e nian maibé Tribunál la dehan buat ida kona-ba inkonstitusionalidade diploma, maski opiniaun Ministériu Públiku no maioria observadór sira-nian oin-seluk. Maski nune’e, Prezidente Repúblika veta politikamente Lei ida-ne’e tanba nia la konkorda ho solusaun ne’ebé mak fó, to’o ikus tenke promulga duni bazeia ba art. 88 nr. 3 Konstituisaun nian.
Haktuir buat hirak ne’ebé temi iha leten, Prezidente Repúblika Taur Matan Ruak fiar katak implementasaun ba lei ida-ne’e bele tau ba tinan oin hafoin halo tiha eleisaun lejizlativa. Nune’e ita sei husik hela klaru ba ema hotu-hotu katak la iha intensaun atu fó limitasaun ba CNE nia asaun iha prosesu eleitorál sira, ne’ebé besik atu hala’o, no mós katak objetivu maka asegura CNE nia efikásia másimu iha nia knaar atu fiskaliza prosesu resenseamentu no atu eleitorál sira-ne’ebé la’o hela ona.

Palasiu Prezidente Nicolau Lobato, 9 Juñu 2016.

terça-feira, 7 de junho de 2016

Resposta ba Artigo Pm Gusmao, PD, no PLP (TMR) Anti Filozofia “Timores”


Husi: Ediy da Costa Guterres


Le tiha artigu rua nebe ho autor diferente husi Martinho G. da Silva Gusmao hanesan Docente filosofia politica ho titulo artigu Politika “Samea”, Etika “Falur” Vs artigu Pm Gusmao, PD, no PLP (TMR) Anti Filozofia “Timores” autor ba artigu refere husi Lorico Lorosae ema anônimo (mate klamar) husi Partido CNRT. Proboka hau atu fahe mos hanoin balu (hatama kanuru tohar) relasiona ho artigu rua refere sobre hau nia aseitasaun ba pontu balu no la konkorda mos asuntu balu enklui ho dadus ruma nebe tuir publiku hatene ona.

Antes halo komentaria ba artigu rua refere ba dala uluk hau sei hatur hau nia an hanesan sidadaun ida independente la PRO ba Maritinho Gusmao, Lirico Lorosae (CNRT), PD, mesmu PLP no TMR mos. Ho nune atu bele halo analiza ida los no transparante la iha tendencia enklina ba autor, partido politika, no Lider ruma.

Analiza Bazea ba Termu

Hau komesa husi asuntu nebe Deputadu balun lebanta hodi husu ba “Martinho Gusmao hanesan Amo atu hasai tiha BATINA MUTIN maka halo politika”.  Wainhira atu halo analiza nebe diak ba asuntu ida nee, Primeru tenki koloka termu hirak nee ho los. Depois tenki komprende uluk nia difinisaun no significados, hanesan termu HALO POLITIKA no KUALIA POLITIKA iha diferensia bo`ot.

1. Termu Halo Politika katak, ema ka sidadaun ida diside nia an involve iha organizasaun politika ka Partido Politika sai hanesan POLITIKU (Politikus). Signifika HALO POLITIKA tenki tuir aktividade politika hanesan tama Partido Politiki, tuir elisaun, hetan poder no kadeira. Tuir ita nia kostitusaun  Artigo 146 no Artigo 147 so uniku institusaun F-FDTL no PNTL deit maka la bele involve direta no indireta iha politika. Alen de nee Tuir Igreja Catolica, iha Código de Direito Canónico (CDC) dehan duni, “Os clérigos estão proibidos de assumir cargos públicos que importem a participação no exercício do poder civil” (can 285 §3). Na’ilulik sira labele kedas kaer cargo publico nebe hola tiha fali knar “poder civil” nia fatin (hanesan: executivo, legislativo, judicativo). Ne’e katak, PADRE ida labele hadau “poder civil” husi ema sira nebe “democraticamente eleitas” hanesan Lei-Inan dehan.

 2. Termu Kualia Politika katak, ema ka sidadaun ruma kualia sobre asuntu balun nebe ligadu entre Estado no sidadaun sira hanesan problema social, politika, edukasaun, ekonomia, saude, Direto, seguransa nsst. Iha nasaun demokratiku fo espasu liberdade ba sidadaun sira atu espresa sira nia hanoin enklui Timor-Leste mos iha liberdade atu koalia no informasaun ninian garantia ona iha Konstitusaun RDTL artigo 40.

Karik ita uza argumentu baze rua iha leten hodi analiza ba kazu nebe mosu entre Maritinho Gusmao Vs Deputado pontu dois maka relefante liu. Tamba durante nee Martinho Gusmao hanesan sidadaun ida iha liberdade nebe garante ona iha konstitusaun atu bele espresa nia hanoin sobre asuntu politika ruma. Tamba nee Martinho Gosmao Kualia Politika laos halo politika, nebe diak liu Deputado no Partido CNRT-FRETILIN la persija nakadedar no halo argumentu invalidu atu defende an husi buat nebe mak ema hotu hatene ona.

Kritika ba Martinho Gusmao

Hau nia kritika ba Martinho Gusmao hanesan Amo: Karik hau la sala misaun principal Amululik no Igreja atu hanorin srani sira moris tuir Maromak nia ukun fuan hodi perpara srani sira nia klamar hodi tama lalehan maibe faktus hatudu katak Srani Katolik barak maka muda ona sira nia fiar. Iha domingo-domingo igreja laran mamuk sekarik ita kompara ho tempo Indonezia. Srani sira barak maka halo abuzo seksual, prostitusaun buras iha Dili laran no uma kain barak maka halo divórcio. Wainhira problema hirak nee mosu no buras iha srani sira nia let Igreja iha nebe? Amo sira halo ona planu saida hodi redus no prevene problema hirak nebe srani sira infrenta. Tamba nee hanesan sarani ida hau hakarak hosu ho respeito ba Martinho Gusmao hanesan Amo diak liu fokus lai ba Misaun Principal depois maka bele kualia fali asuntu sira seluk.

Hau hakat ba Lorico Lorosae (CNRT)

Iha artigo Lorico Lorosae nian nebe publika ona iha media kuaze pajina 9, iha tendência frustasaun husi autor hodi ataka asuntu lubuk ida Martinho Gusmao lebanta tuir hau nia hare saida maka Martinho Gusmao hatene los no tuir realidade nebe durante nee Timor-Leste hasoru iha prespektivu akademia.

Karik halo rejumu hosi Artigo refere so atu dehan at deit Lider Nasional Taur Matan Ruak atual Presidente Republika, Partido Libertasaun Popular (PLP), PD no Maritinho Gusmao hodi filisofia “Timores”. Maibe hau sei la resposta ida pur ida tamba iha asuntu balun publiku hatene no komprende hela ho nune hau sei komentario ba deit asuntu balun nebe persija iha klarifikasaun atu publiku bele hatene kona ba problema nebe durante nee lao iha ita nia rain.

Hau nia komentario komesa husi asuntu nebe Lorico Lorosae mensionak katak,...Bain hira Presidente da Republika Taur Matan Ruak ataka CNRT no FRETILIN hodi tau karimbu SOEHARTO ba Maun Bo`ot Xanana, Pm Gusmao ho PD hamutuk ho PLP louva tebes diskursus infantile, emosiaonal, ne`ebe desvaloriza lideransa fundador estadu nian… 

Tuir hau nia hanoin katak, deskursus Presidente Republika iha Parlamentu Nasional hatudu katak iha diferente hanoin entre orgaun soberania sira iha Timor-Leste nee norma iha nasaun demokrasia, tamba natureza demokrasia fo espasau ba diferente idea sobre asuntu ruma no iha tempo hanesan iha mos kontrola ba malu entre orgaun soberania sira.

Iha deskursus nee mos Presidente Republika kritika Maun Xanana no Maun Mari nebe hanesan fundador estado. Atu dehan deit katak sai fundador Estado tamba sira nia kotribusaun ba funu libertasaun. Hanesan fundador estado deit laos Marumok nebe la halo sala, sira nain rua mos sempre halo sala. Tamba humanu la ses husi sala maka tenki iha kontrola husi sosiadade tomak enklui Presidente Republika hanesan Chefe Estado. Presidente hare orgaun soberania hirak nee la funsiona ho diak Presidente Republika iha dever atu kualia no kritika orgaun soberania sira seluk enklui Maun Xanana no Mari atu hadia an hodi lao los. Kritik nebe Presidente halo hasoru Maun Xanana no Maun Mari hanesan sama antensaun ba sira, iha historia hatudu katak Soeharto nia familia rasik maka hamoni nia liu husi privilégio demaziado nebe sira uja. Maun nain rua tenki kuidadu sira nia an tamba publiku akumpanha hela situasaun hirak nebe lao iha ita nia nasaun.

Alen de nee diskursus Presidente Republika nian iha Parlamentu Nasional halo publiku apresia no aseita ho diskursus refere. Ingreja Katolika mos apresia no apoia ba diskursus Presidente Republika. Pozisaun Igreja nee ita bele hare husi intervista Dom Basílio do Nascimento ba Jornalista sira dehan “Ha’u hano’in katak buat ne’ebé mak Prezidenti hateten ne’e, buat ne’ebé mak Prezidenti kala haree ho matan, Prezidenti rona, Prezidenti bele iha dadus, tanba ha’u hanoin katak, Prezidenti Repúblika la’os ko’alia arbiru de’it, maibé ha’u hanoin katak, Prezidenti iha mós dadus atu halo afirmasaun sira hanesan ne’e,” Jornal diaro Nasional Marsu 06 2016. Iha sorin seluk ONG Nasional, Emabasada sira, Estudante, aktevista, povu aileba enklui membru CNRT balun mos louva diskursu nebe PR halo iha Parlamentu Nasional.

Iha pajia hanesan autor mos dehan …CNRT hanorin Taur Matan Ruak atu aprende oinsa halo politika, oinsa sai vizionariu, laos buka maka tiru a tiru hela deit....Halo nusa mak CNRT hakarak hanorin Taur Matan Ruak atu Aprende oinsa halo politika serake iha CNRT nia ukun durante nee halo buat hotu  sabraut, korupsaun buras, nepotismu akuntese iha Ministeru hotu-hotu, kolusaun iha fatin-fatin, iha area infrastrutura projetu 85% la iha kualidade, projetu mate klamar barak mosu barak, antendementu iha area saude at ba bebeik (Dotor sira fila Hospital sai fatin KASINO), iha area Edukasaun alunus sira la hetan merenda skolar, estudante sira tur iha rai, sala eskola la iha. Ida nee mak CNRT dehan halo politika vizionariu, keta halo ita hamnasa fali.

Hare fali husi prestasaun membru CNRT nian durante nee publiku kuinese membru no estrutura CNRT laos husi sira nia figura no serviso maibe publiku kuinese sira husi attitude negatifu hanesan tuir mai:  Aderito Hugo aktual Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional dada ahi illegal iha tinan barak tuir relatorio EDTL, Lideransa Partodo CNRT aktual Ministro ho inisial DCBS fo oan ba feto faluk ida husi Lospalos nebe tinan hira liu ba konsege hamosu problema iha media nasional wainhira inan feto nee ba hasoru DCBS iha nia edifisio, problema ida nee sei dauk hotu DCBS hadau fali ema nia kaben no husik hela ema nia oan moris dok husi domin familia nian, aktual Sekretario Estado ho inisial IXC halai tuir ema nia kaben nebe durante nee hanesan nia staf ka (asesor) ho inisial AS nebe agora  divórcio ona ho nia laen kaben, Aktual Sekretario Estado ho Inisial NIS ba kait fali nia sekretaris hodi hamosu problema bo`ot iha nia edifisio tamba hetan ataka husi nia fen kaben tinan hira liu ba. Ex. Vise Ministro ho inisial JRGD sai autor ba film blue iha Timor-Leste, Aktual Ministro ho Inisial FKL gosta halo relasaun ho labarik estudante sira, Aktual Sekretario Estado ho Inisial VL (feto), iha Indonezia nia tempo Kostrad tama sai nia uma ba konfesa. Foin sae sira agora dehan membru no estrutura CNRT mesak ONPI (Oin Pipita) deit. Attitude sira nee maka CNRT atu hanorin ba Taur Matan Ruak? Ka CNRT ho nia estrutura sira gosta maka tiru a tiru hela deit heheheheee. Hau nia hanoin wainhira CNRT hakarak halo ataka ka inkorazen ema seluk diak liu hare uluk ba imi nia an no uma laran.

Iha pajia tuir mai autor Lorico Lorosae  hanoin Presidente la hatene halo desizaun ho nune Lorico Lorosae dehan,..Felizmente ikus mai Taur Matan Ruak aprende duni no simu hikas Jeneral LAT nudar Komando F-FDTL hodi kontinua mantein stabilidade iha institusaun F-FDTL nia laran. CNRT hanorin TMR atu iha vizaun nudar estadista laos hanoin hanesan xefi aldeia…

Presidente Republika lider ida nebe matenek la foti desizaun arviru hanesan lider sira seluk maibe antis Taur halo disizaun nia sempre halo estudu no analiza ba nia inplikasaun saida mak sei mosu wainhira nia diside buat ruma. Presidente Sesante Dr. Jose Ramos Horta iha nia intervista dehan, “Hau rekunisese katak  Presidente Taur tinan 24 iha ailaran koinese nasaun no povu nee, neduni Presidente la halo politika, tamba Prezidente ema ida ho dignidade iha liur ema respeita nia tebe-tebes, iha Indonezia sira admira. Buat neebe hau buka halo iha mundu, hau koalia bebeik esplika ba sira, se maka Taur Matan Ruak, nee ema ida ho sentidu estadu, neduni Presidente Taur improfizasaun, buat hotu-hotu hau halo ho hanoin nia estuda, tuir lei no tuir regras nia laos ema ida plin-plan, ohin hateten ida aban halo buat seluk ne lae, nia koreitu tebe ho integridade, ida nee maka estadu seluk iha mundu nee respeita,”  STL edisaun Kuarta 18 Maio 2016.

Tuir hau nia hare, Taur Matan Ruak ikus aseita Jeneral LAT kontinua mantei tamba atu salva rai ida nee husi krize jilit rua, publiku antes nee identivika ona forsa bo`ot ida maka iha kotuk atu halo krize liu husi haruka PM Rui Arujo lori proposta ba mai, haruka Lere halo Petisaun hasoru Presidente Republika mesmu tempo soran mos Veteranus F-FDTL sira nebe Asina Petisaun no sira nebe la asina, publiku mos identivika tan enkontru sekreta ofisiais superior F-FDTL sira husi Lospalos hamutuk ho Ministro Defesa Cirilo Cristovão, iha ona planu atu lori kilat husi Metinaro ba Ilomar-Lautem. Karik Taur Matan Ruak obriga no mantein ho nia desizaun rejultado sei hamosu krize bo`ot ida liu fali krize 2006 tamba nee Taur Halo Politika ho laran maus, laran malirin no nakonu ho domin ba nasaun ho povu ida nee. Tuir hau nia hare autor sira atu halo planu hodi hamosu krize nee mak hanoin hanesan Xefi Aldeia no ida hanoin atu prevene krize la bele mosu iha ita nia nasaun maka hanoin hanesan estadista lolos.

Iha pajina seluk Lorico Lorosae nia komentario hanesan durante nee PR lakomprede sobre lei, Lorico la hatene katak Presidente Republika maka orgaun soberania ida nebe garantia KONSTITUSIONALIDADE, tamba nee desizaun nebe Presidente foti relasiona ho kazu Lere nian tuir lolos ita nia Konstitusaun no lei oan sira.

Iha pajina refere Lorico Lorosae dehan…Pm Gusmao akuza CNRT atu kokir F-FDTL nia uma laran, infelizmente laos deit Pm Gusmao maibe PR Taur Matan Ruak mos lakohi lee lei halo didiak to ikus mai obrigadu tenke simu fila fali Jeneral LAT atu kontinua nia kargu... Lei ida nebe mak CNRT kualia? Semak hakarak sobu soberania lei iha Timor-Leste laos Xanana ho Lere se fali? Komesa husi proposta primeru PR la konkorda atu halo Re-Kundusaun, Governu senti la diak lori tiha Presidente Republika ba Tribunal Rekursus maibe desizaun Tribunal anula tiha Rekursus husi Governu, signifika governu lakon iha Tribunal Rekursus. Sinti an moe ona Governu haruka fali proposta foun, hare tiha proposta foun nee PR konkorda ho opsaun segundu Lere mak la aseita fali hehehehe KOMIK ida halo nusa!. Tuir Lei Statuto Militar Lere tama ona ba idade reforma tamba iha lei hatete forsa nebe tama ona ba tinan 60 tenki reforma, Agora Lere nia tinan 64. Semak la hatene lei Xanana ho Lere ka Taur Matan Ruak? Attitude Xanana ho Lere halo povu hotu moe enklui Veteranus sira, iha Jornal STL edisaun 30 Maiu 2016 Veteranu no Antigu Kombatentis Mausiak dehan “nia sente moe wainhira Chefe Estado Maior General Forsa Armada nia idade reforma maibe la kohi sai husi forsa, fila kontra tan Comandante Supremu Forsa Armada”. Liafuan hanesan mai husi Padre Martinho Gusmao liu husi nia artigo “Revolucao da Ternua”: Politika Batina Mutin. Papa Francisco dehan; “Pecador, sim! Traidor, nao?” iha artigu refere Martinho Gusmao dehan, Halo nusa ba mos, nu’udar académico no docente ética social-(politica), ha’u moe hare Lere Anan Timur ninia “resposta” ba TMR. Kuandu ita kompara ho nasaun seluk ita senti moe bo`ot tamba ita nia maun bo`ot sira mak hari tiha rai ida nee fila atu destroi rasik nasaun ida nee. Lider sira nia komportamentu hanesan SOEHARTO, Iha Indonezia ema bolu SOEHARTO BAPAK PEMBANGUNAN SEKALIGUS PENGHACUS PEMBANGUNAN. Iha Timor-Leste ema dehan, Xanana no Mari fundador Estado iha tempo hanesan destroi mos Estado.

Lorico Lorosae dehan…Maske antes ne`e doko rai dehan katak hasai Jeneral LAT tsunami sei lasa`e no foho sei la namatate, PR TMR nia arogansia hela istoria deit!...Tuir hau nia observasaun asaun nebe TMR halo hanesan estrtezia ida atu hatene autor principal nebe maka iha kazu nee nia kotuk, infelismente samea konsege dolar sai husi kuak wainhira hare hetan iska. Kuandu TMR hatene ona autor sira, estratezia tuir mai buka hatene sira nia objeativu hakarak saida? Wainhira hatene ona sira nia objeativu TMR halo planu kontra ataka atu impede sira nia objeativu! Iha kazu refere sira nia Objeativu maka saida? Objeativu maka poder no kadeira liu husi halo krize depois mosu Malaikat Penyelamat atu hatudu ba publiku katak so uniku Hau deit maka bele rejolve problema, wainhira hau la iha Orgaun soberania sira han malu to`o hamosu krize, nebe hau maka tenki ukun nafatin rai ida nee (konspirasaun klasik) atu hatene diak liu lee Martinho Gusmao nia artigo nebe dehan CNRT hanesan partido emrgencia (Krize 2006→Hari CNRT→Forma AMP). 

Lorico Lorosae mos hakarak hateten sobre polemika nebe mosu liu husi proposta nebe governu lori ba mai hanesan teste ida atu hare Presidente Republika nia kapasidade hanesan iha nia artigu dehan, “Atu hare PR TMR nia matenek, nia vizaun ba estadu ne`e to`o iha ne`ebe, afinal PR TMR hatudu ninia inkompetensia, hatudu ninia hanoin klot. F-FDTL, iha loron ruma F ida iha oin ne`e sei lakon maibe lori tempu, laos mudansa radikal. Ne`e so Pm Gusmao ho PR TMR mak halai kareta husi gigi 1 tau liu ba gigi 5. Vizionariu hanesan Maun Bo`ot Xanana halai kareta husi gigi 1 ba 2, 3, 4 foin maka to`o iha 5! Kazu Jeneral LAT hatudu ona kapasidade no kompetensia lolos TMR nian, koalia ho arogansia maka barak maibe politika sei matak hela!”

Sobre asuntu nee hau hakarak dehan katak, uniku Taur Matan Ruak maka hadomi F-FDTL no iha hanoin atu hadia F-FDTL sira seluk so atu estraga deit. Maun Xanana uluk hakarak hari nasaun Timor-Leste nebe la iha Forsa Armada maibe lori Taur Matan Ruak nia ulun moruk maka ohin loron ita iha F-FDTL. Krize 2006 dalan ida atu halo rahun F-FDTL no halo lakon ejistensia F-FDTL iha Timor-Leste. Nain uluk sira fo aturoizasaun ba forsa estranzerus tama iha Timor-Leste tenta atu dezarma General Taur Matan Ruak. Iha 2012 Maun Xanana lori lista membru Governu fo pozisaun Ministra Defeza ba Dona Maria Domingas Fernandes Alves ka Micato nebe maka hanesan pesoal ida husi inisio mos la konkorda Timor-Leste atu iha forsa rasik. Atual Ministro Defesa Cirilio Cristova la iha kuinesementu iha area Defesa no la iha prestasaun wainhira nia lidera SNI. Halo nusa maka ema sira la iha konseptu atu hari Forsa Armada iha Timor-Leste maka ba lidera fali Ministeru Defesa?? Karik akuntesementu no problema hirak nebe institusaun F-FDTL infrenta durante nee hanesan meus ida atu halakon F-FDTL iha Timor-Leste?

Maun Xanana ho Governu maka hanoin klot hodi tau lasu ba PR atu halo mudansa radikal? Presidente nia hanoin hakarak halo transformasaun gradual tamba nee maka iha primeru proposta Presidente Republika ezonera Lere no Provome Filomeno Paixao ba Chefe Estado Mairo General Forsa Armada (CEMGFA) no Falur Rate Laek ba Vise-CEMGFA. Governu la konkorda ho ezonerasaun Lere hodi halo transformasaun gradual, sira lori PR ba Tribunal Rekursus to`o iha Tribunal PR maka manan. Governu senti moe haruka fali proposta foun mai at liu fali proposta ida uluk, iha proposta foun governu husu PR atu ezonera hotu Veteranus sira, governu hanoin PR la berani halo ida nee maibe wainhira PR konkorda Governu ho Maun bo`ot balu komesa uja meus seluk hodi halo presaun hasoru PR.

Lorico Lorosae hanoin dotrina Timores nebe Saudozo Nicolau Lobato hanorin maka agora CNRT-FRETILIN inplementa daudauk iha ita nia rain hanesan nia haktuir katak, “Dotrina Timores husi saudozu NRL maka CNRT implementa daudaun hodi involve partidu hotu-hotu atu ukun.”  Maibe faktus hatudu CNRT lakohi atu involve partido hotu-hotu ba ukun. CNRT divorsio ho PD Bloku Nafera no CNRT husu ba PM halo operasaun kikis atu sapu bersih membru Governu sira husi PD, Ida nee maka CNRT nia intreperetasaun ba dutrina Timores saudozu NRL hanorin hela ba ita.

Lorico Lorosae mos hanoin PLP ho PD sai brutal tamba la hetan pozisaun Primeru Ministru hanesan nia haktuir katak,“Bukannya PLP dan PD yang tiba-tiba menjadi brutal dan mengamuk hanya karena melihat jabatan PM tidak diserahkan kepada PD? Atau PLP yang tiba-tiba iritasi dengan politik Timores, “ukun hamutuk” ne’ebe CNRT aplika hodi involve FRETILIN iha governasaun nia laran?”.

Tuir hau nia observasaun karik PLP maka ambisaun ba Primeru Ministru husi inisio Presidente sei la aseita wainhira Maun Xanana Gusmao hatama karta reginasaun ba Presidente Republika no nomea fali PM foun Dr. Rui Araujo. Iha lidun seluk PLP la iha problema ho Partido FRETILIN mais pelo kontrario ho ezistensia PLP halo partido Politika bo`ot hanesan CNRT-FRETILIN sira sai perkupada sinte amiasaudu no tauk wainhira PLP deklaraan an hanesan Partido politika nebe pronto ona atu compete iha elisaun geral 2017. CNRT-FRETILIN nia tauk halo sira sai brutal dan mengamuk hasoru PLP-TMR liu husi haruka Governu lori President Republika nia desijaun ba Tribunal Rekursus maiske ikus Tribunal anula rekursus husi Governu, haruka Veteranus ativu F-FDTL halo Petisaun hasoru Presidente da Republika maiske kontra Lei do Parlamento no 3/2010 Lei Defesa Nasional Artigo 63 alinia 7, Ubriga Presidente Parlamentu reginaan husi nia kargu tamba fo apoia ba politika Presidente Republika, hasai PD husi Bloku Koligasaun (BK), CNRT-FRETILIN mos hakarak foti prosesu atu halo “inquerito” ho finalidade atu halo “impeachment” (pecat PR). Ida nee maka Politika Burtalidade ka Politika Premanisme (politika Bandido) nebe CNRT-FRETILIN praktika hasoru PLP-TMR iha rai doben ida nee.

PLP-TMR la iritasi ho Politika Timores tamba iha politika PLP kualia mos sobre Governasaun Unidade Nasional signifika dutrina refere mai husi konseptu Politika Timores ka “ukun hamutuk” maibe laos ukun  hamutuk para halo institusaun estado sai kor ida hanesan akuntese iha ZEEMS, Agrekultura, STATAL nst, laos konsepto politika Timores nebe haburas fali KKN, han mesak povu nia osan, halo riku deit Xanana-Mari nian familia no husik hela Timor oan rihun ba rihun sai segundu klase iha nia rain raisk. CNRT-FRETILIN manipula konseptu Timores ba sira nia intereses politika hodi fahe ZEEMS ba FRETILIN no Municipio 12 ba CNRT atu halo esplora ba povu Timor-Leste nia osan. Timor oan tomak sei lakonkorda ho politika nebe maka CNRT-FRETILIN halo iha rai ida nee maka hamosu kritika barak husi sosiadade, academia, ONG no Igreja.

Lorico Lorosae CNRT ho FRETILIN hanoin la persija sai opozisaun ba Prozetu ZEEMS hanesan sira mensiona tuir mai: “Khusus ba PLP (TMR) ne’ebe hanesan mos ho Pm Gusmao, sira anti FRETILIN tanba ne’e maka mengamuk bainhira hare FRETILIN implementa ZEEMS. TMR tiba-tiba jadi oposisi dengan dalih pembangunan tidak merata iha Timor-Leste. TMR hanoin kala dezenvolvimentu nasaun ne’e signifika kata kada suku tenke iha programa keta-ketak.”

Tuir diskursus Presidente Republika iha Parlamentu Nasional, PR haruka ona karta ba Governu husu estudo viabilidade ba ZEEMS. Tamba kualker Mega Porjetu nebe iha antis inplementa tenki halo uluk estudo viabilidade iha nebe deit enklui Timor-Leste mos. Maibe Mari Alkatiri resposta hanesan labarik ki`ik, at liu tan halo fali komparasaun ho funu hehehehe. Halo nusa maka ita kualia ZEEMS sei lori rejultado pozetivu serake nia prosesu deit lao lalos ona. Karik ita kompara ho Kareta, kareta sei dauk Moris Maun Mari hakarak halai ona ho gigi 5.

La halo estudo viabilidade nia inpaktu maka halo ona povu Oecusse sai vitima ba programa ZEEMS tuir relatorio husi PDHJ no ONG sira seluk nebe publiku asesu ona. Taur Matan Ruak mehi hakarak halo politika dezenvolvimentu ekelibri signifika ZEEMS ho Prozetu Tasi Mane bele halo maibe keta haluhan mos Municipio sira seluk. Povu Timor-Leste laos Oecusse ho Cova-Lima deit maibe hamutuk ho Municipio 11seluk maka bolu povu Timor-Leste, tamba nee Estado nebe diak tenki fo tratamentu hanesan ba nia povu. Estado la bele halo diskriminasaun ba nia povu tamba deit ZEEMS ho Prozetu Tasi Mane fo prusentu (%) bo`ot ba Maun Mari ho Maun Xanana.

Iha sorin seluk tuir komunidade suku Kosta katak, ZEEMS hanesan dinasti (kerajaan) ida iha Oecusse, hahu husi Presidente ZEEMS to`o buruh kasar mesak Familia, Kolega Alkatiri no Militante FRETILIN maka domina.


Filozofia Timores nebe CNRT-FRETILIN uza la tuir konseptu NRL, CNRT–FRETILIN uja filozofia Timores hodi hamonu krebilidade estado. Uza filozofia refere hodi fahe deit kadeira no privilegio ba malu. Wainhira hetan kritika husi ema sidadaun ruma sira subar iha filozofia Timores nia kotuk hodi ataka sira nebe halo kritika hasoru governasaun hodi dehan ema hirak nee anti maka filozofia Timores.

Artigo ida nee hanoin pesoal la representa institucao nebe hakerek nain serviso ba.
Kritik no sujestaun bele haruka ba email: ediy.gusmao@gmail.com
Hakerek nain hela iha Dili.