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Attorney General's office, yesterday. |
Exclusive - By Ted McDonnell - Ted McDonnell
Just over a week ago, East Timor's President Taur Matan Ruak freed
former justice minister and convicted criminal Lucia Lobato less than
two years into her five year sentence for corruption; a week later
former presidential candidate Angela Freitas and former commander Mauk
Moruk have fronted the nation's prosecutor still wondering what charges
they will face when they go to trial in the coming months.
The decision by TMR has left justice advocates and many in East Timor
bewildered. It is rumoured TMR was pressured to release Lobato. Yet the
case involving Freitas and Moruk, justice advocates say, borders on the
Supporters of Freitas and Moruk believe initial charges of 'wearing
military uniforms', and in Freitas cause, 'gun running' despite the
absence of evidence, have been trumped up by Prime Minister Xanana
The 'fight' between Moruk and Gusmao is almost East Timor folklore. The
outspoken Moruk, one of East Timor's most feared commanders has been a
harsh critic of Gusmao believing his former comrade has betrayed his
people through bad government, financial mismanagement and turning a
blind eye to systemic corruption in his government.
The bad blood between the Gusmao and Moruk harks back to "incidents" in
the 1980s involving other commanders. Neither Moruk nor Gusmao are
willing to talk publicly about the "incidents".
This blog can be reveal for the first time that a number of East Timor
commanders mysteriously went 'missing' in the East Timorese jungles
during the 1980s.
For many years, it was not known what happened to the FALINTIL commanders and whether they were killed fighting the Indonesians occupation forces or murdered "persons unknown”.
However, we can now reveal that they disappeared during a bloody power struggle with fellow commanders.
Interviews with a number of veterans have revealed that by prominent
commander ordered the murder of ‘dissenting’ fellow commanders.
People close to President TMR, PM Gusmao and Moruk say the jailing of
Moruk for months without charge has more to do with shutting up the
outspoken former commander than their public spat over 'political
A number of attempts to interview the incarcerated Moruk, the Prime
Minister or for that matter the President, who was also a fellow
commander of both Gusmao and Moruk, on these intriguing matters have
failed. Both Gusmao and TMR have repeated refused interviews.
As for the gun running charges against former presidential candidate
Angela Freitas, many believe the charges are also 'trumped up' by East
Timor's political elite to silence Freitas, who is also a long time
critic of the two term government of Gusmao.
Several months ago, Freitas was arrested at Dili Airport after
returning from overseas following an operation. It has been alleged she
imported container loads of guns for a supposed 'revolution' against the
government. Interestingly, no guns have ever been found despite by
Freitas, a dual East Timor and Australian citizen, has little doubt the
"false allegations and charges" against her have been raised by East
Timor's political elite and led by the Prime Minister keen on shutting
up dissidents.
"They accused me of abuse of power and gun running. They claim I wore a
military uniform but at the time of the accusation I was in hospital in
Indonesia," she added.
"They also claim I brought into East Timor two container loads of guns.
They searched my house, they search everywhere and found nothing. Where
are the two containers of guns?
"There are no guns.”
Legal insiders believe the government has arranged for "hundreds" of
witnesses to come forward from the districts to speak out against both
Freitas and Moruk.
Both Freitas and Moruk await formal charges by East Timor's Prosecutor
General. For six months Moruk has languished in Becora prison without
Human rights experts are appalled at the detention of Moruk without charge.
Later this year, Finance Minister Emilia Pires, a close confidante of
Prime Minister Gusmao, will face the courts along with former Vice
Health Minster Ms Madalene Hanjam on charges of corruption over a
contract awarded to Ms Pires' husband's Melbourne business. Both
maintain their innocence.
Prime Minister Gusmao, who recently confirmed he will stay on as PM
until at least 2017, continues to fully support Ms Pires, who he
personally appointed as Finance Minister, against corruption allegations
stating his close ally is innocent of any charges.
Recent decisions, like the one involving the President and the former
justice Minister; the proposed media laws to silence freedom of speech;
and the Prime Minister’s continued verbal attacks on the Corruption Commission has left people wondering whether East Timor is fast becoming an autocracy.
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